Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome to California

We made it to California! Yesterday we drove from southern Oregon to Northern California into the Redwood National Park. The redwoods are pretty amazing, one minute you are driving in a tall, dark forest and the next you are driving the coast of the Pacific. We got out at one point to see the ocean, it was quiet the view. 

We just drove through the redwoods yesterday because it was getting later in the afternoon and we wanted to set up camp. We stayed at elk prairie campground right in the redwoods, it was amazing! Guess what!? There were other tenters, quiet a few actually! This was because the temperature didn't drop below 44 last night. It was nice for a change. 

Hot dogs, beans and some cribbage made for a perfect night in the redwoods.  Planning for a hike in the morning! 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! So glad to see that you've reached CA! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the wonderful experience.
