Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stats from our trip

Here is a summary of our trip: 
  • We spent exactly 2 weeks on the road
  • Drove 5,226 miles
  • Through 15 states, plus Canada
  • Stayed at 9 campgrounds and 5 hotels 
  • Used 233.5 gallons of gasoline
  • Spent $827.12 on said gasoline
  • Visited 3 National Parks
  • Had 1 flat tire
  • Ate an entire bag of Costco trail mix in the car
  • Had 2 rainy days, the rest of the days were gorgeous
  • Saw some unbelievable parts of America that we will never forget
  • Now have everlasting memories that we can look back on forever

We will be adding some more pictures from our trip once we get them off the camera. Also, Andrew took some footage along the way and will be making a video, so we will also post that once available. 

We made it!

We got into L.A. last night to our friends apartment, just in time for the Red Sox game! Man that was awesome, certainly a day we will never forget...arriving in L.A. for the first time and the Sox win the world series! Tuesday night we stayed about 2 hours south of San Francisco so we would have an easy drive into L.A. Wednesday morning we stopped in Salinas, CA to go to the National Steinbeck Center. We thought it would be a fitting end to our trip seeing as we listened to Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck on tape and absolutely loved it. They had the camper truck that he traveled around the country in and it was really cool to see in person.

Here is a great quote from Steinbeck on his visit to the redwoods which describes it perfectly. "The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always. No one has successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree. The feeling they produce is not transferable. From them comes silence and awe.... Respect - that's the word."

"A journey is a person in itself; not two are alike." "We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us."
                                  - John Steinbeck 

After Salinas we headed down the coast and we stopped at J. Lohr winery and vineyard. We did a tasting, it was great and free! They have one of the best cabernet sauvignon.  

Now starts the job and apartment search...our journey has just begun!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

San Fran

From the Redwoods we drove to San Francisco and stayed a hour north at a campground. At this point we were getting pretty tired of tenting and sleeping on the ground. One more day and we were to land in L.A. Part of our drive was on route 1 along the coast. It was a pretty crazy drive, twist and turns and 15mph at some points. It was worth it, seeing the Pacific in this way. We drove through wine country and it was vineyard after vineyard. 

We did the typical sight seeing through San Francisco in the short time we had. We figured we could always return since we will be only 6 hours away now. We drove over the Golden Gate, it was just like the movies. There were many people walking and biking over it. Then we went to a viewing spot and just watched it for a little while.

We tried to go to Anchor Brewing Company, one of the oldest in the country, but they only take reservations for tours. We have been striking out on our brew tour. We then tried to get some food at the Cod Mother food truck, which we were told was the best fish and chips, but guess what...the only day they were closed was Tuesday. Of course! We have had a good run the past 12 days so I guess we can't complain.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We woke up in the Redwoods and made some coffee and oatmeal before our hiking. The sun started to peak through the tops of the trees  and it was something else. We could walk to some of the trails from our tent site so that was perfect. 

Our walk through these giants was pretty amazing. Once again we found ourselves saying, "wow...this is crazy".  It really was crazy, these things are huge and unbelievable. We were so happy we stopped to see them.

We came across some trees that had fallen within the trails so they had to cut them (that has to be a big chainsaw). To put it in perspective he's about 6'3". 

Or sometimes they would just cut a hole in it so you could walk through, it was pretty neat. Below is Mo beginning a tree huggerIt's like a real life set of Honey I Shrunk the Kids.

After our hike we got onto route 1 to drive south for a little while. We saw signs for Drive thru Tree, so naturally we followed them. We got to the entrance and it was five dollars, but that wasn't the problem...we couldn't fit. Because of our top carrier we weren't able to go thru, oh well, we had seen some awesome redwoods already!



Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome to California

We made it to California! Yesterday we drove from southern Oregon to Northern California into the Redwood National Park. The redwoods are pretty amazing, one minute you are driving in a tall, dark forest and the next you are driving the coast of the Pacific. We got out at one point to see the ocean, it was quiet the view. 

We just drove through the redwoods yesterday because it was getting later in the afternoon and we wanted to set up camp. We stayed at elk prairie campground right in the redwoods, it was amazing! Guess what!? There were other tenters, quiet a few actually! This was because the temperature didn't drop below 44 last night. It was nice for a change. 

Hot dogs, beans and some cribbage made for a perfect night in the redwoods.  Planning for a hike in the morning! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Crater Lake

We left burns kind of lazily. We didn't really have a long drive ahead of us. We took the opportunity to have a nice breakfast and have a shower. Our destination for the day was Crater Lake National park. We had heard about it from people and Seen some things on TV about it. We were there, so why not!?

It took a little while to get there and when we did, it was closed! Luckily only the booth where they take your money was closed :) we drove on through and got up  to the lake. If you haven't seen or heard of this thing take a look, it was absolutely breathtaking. 

            It's a freaking volcano!

This thing is 5 miles wide and about 7 long. It has two islands and is over 2000 feet deep. One of the deepest in the world. The only water it gets is from rain and snow melt. There are no rivers flowing to it or from it. We couldn't believe it. It was formed when a volcano fell in on itself and filled with water over a period of about 800 years. Crazy. There's also something called 'The old man of the lake.' It's a centuries old tree that has been floating and bobbing its way around the lake. The cold waters have preserved the tree. What?! I know. Crazy. 

We spent a while taking some photos and marveling at this things existence and started the drive to Klamath Falls for the night. After not having a fire the other night, we bought two bundles of wood and had ourselves a grand ol' time. We had some wood left over for the morning, which was nice because we woke up to 30 degree weather! 

Until next time, we're Maureen and Andrew. This is This American Drive. 
Stay with us. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


We have entered the third and final time zone. We are know 3 hours behind our east coast friends and family. We drove from Idaho Falls to Burns, Oregon yesterday. A lot of farms and cattle on our way. We saw truck loads of potatoes and when we entered Oregon we saw truck load of onions. Driving through some farms we could actually smell onions coming into the vents. Seemed liked we owned the road yesterday, not many other cars. 

We stayed at a family owned campground in Burns with many other RVs once again. We made quesadillas for dinner and called it an early night because there were no fires aloud. Understandable because Oregon had just gotten over those awful fires. 

When we where going to bed we were greeted by the park owners black lab, presumably out for her nightly duties. She was very friendly and wanted to come into the tent badly, man she would have kept us warm. But in the distance you could hear her owner yelling "Roxy, Roxy" and then she scurried away. In the morning we were woken by Roxy's silhouette, nose pressed against the tent, and whimpering. Guess she liked us! 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Yellowstone National Park

We spent all day at Yellowstone yesterday and it was unbelievable! Wish we could have stayed longer. You could really spend weeks there, there is so much to do and see! We were both in awe of how beautiful it was. There was a little bit of snow on the ground here and there but it got up to the mid 60s during the day and not a cloud in the sky! We met some locals from Montana shortly after entering the park. When they saw our license plate they were so excited we came from Vermont. We were chatting with them and we said, "it is nice there are no big crowds here now" they replied, "you have no idea how nice!" If you ever want to go to Yellowstone, September and October are the months to go. 

We saw some wildlife, buffalo and elk. We were hoping to see a bear, but no luck. We drove just about a quarter of the main road and pulled off at every stop we saw. Did you know Yellowstone is the size of Rhode Island and Connecticut combined- that's big!

The geysers and hot springs are unreal! The pictures won't do them justice, you have to see them first hand. They are so cool to listen to and watch them bubble. We saw old faithful and the grand prismatic spring, one of the largest hot springs in the US. The colors of all the springs are amazing! 

After Yellowstone we went to a small local restaurant in Idaho called Boondocks. It was a real locals spot, everyone knew each other's name and then there was us! The food was delicious! Mo got the portobello and avocado sandwich and Andrew got the amindine rainbow trout. Of course we both had to get some spuds with our meals. 

There was a Massachusetts license plate next to an Amherst College flag hanging in the restaurant. We asked the owners about it, turns out their daughter went to school there. Crazy! Small world.   

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Land of the Spuds

We reached potato land- Idaho. From Utah we drove through Jackson Hole, Wyoming to get to Idaho. Jackson Hole is a pretty neat cowboy town. We tried to go to the Snake River Brewery here, but guess what it was closed, for a staff party! So we decided to saddle up at a bar to grab a drink...literally. They had saddles as bar stools, it was pretty cool. The bar was called Million Dollar Cowboy. We were able to get a beer from the Snake River Brewery so it kind of all worked out.

We walked around town a little more and then we headed to our over night spot in Driggs, ID. We rented a little cottage in Driggs, which was perfect for a little recharge for the night. We rented it from an awesome couple who owned the cottage in their back yard, along with their glass blowing studio. We picked Driggs because it is only about an hour and a half from Yellowstone National Park. Here are some pictures of the cottage, it was perfect!

Yesterday marked one week since we have been on the road. We are thinking it will be 7 more days until we land in L.A. At the start of the trip we started listening to an audiobook, Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. It is a travelogue about Steinbeck's trip around the country with his poodle Charley in his camper truck. It was a sad day today because we finished it, we didn't want it to end! It was fascinating to listen to Steinbeck's stories of his travels knowing that we were going to be traveling through the same places. It is a great book and worth a read, or a listen across the country!

Stay tuned for Yellowstone!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Yesterday we headed north, from Colorado to Utah. It was a beautiful drive heading out of the Rockies. We entered the plateau region of northwestern Colorado and then the red rock area of Utah. It was quiet the drive, we had to remind ourselves to check if we needed gas because it could be many many miles until the next station.

We landed in Vernal, UT last night at a KOA campground. It was pretty chilly, we got the usually "umm...sure, if you want to, it's going to be cold". We were pros by now and stayed plenty warm. We had an awesome fire last night and probably the best dinner so far. Chopped up peppers, onions, potatoes, and kielbasa. 

There it is before it went over the fire, sorry no after pictures it went into our stomach too fast. After dinner we played a wonderful game of cribbage (Mo won) and called it a night. We did wake up with a lot of frost on the tent, so we had to put most of the tent into the sun to thaw. Coffee and oatmeal then we hit the road. Vernal is known as dinosaur land, many of the streets are named after dinosaurs, there are fossils and tracks all around, along with dino statues. 


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We made it to Breckenridge. An awesome ski town just southwest of Denver. We made a reservation here before we even started the trek because we knew we weren't going to tent it in the chilly mountains. It was 28 degrees last night with a chance of snow. Since we have been averaging about $28 a night on camping we figured we would spurged for The Lodge and Spa. It was great! Absolutely beautiful view from our room, hot tubs, mountain decor, and free breakfast! 

In the morning we walked around Breckenridge, explored the many shops, and then tried to go to the Breckenridge Brewery but they were closed for renovation. We were bummed, but we found this awesome little crepe cart and we got a turkey club crepe for lunch. Deliciousness with a view! 

We have headed north now, on our way to Utah and Yellowstone, something we have been looking forward to for a while and we are glad it is open now! 

Our drive through Colorado has been amazing. I can't tell you how many times we have said "WOW, this is amazing, crazy!" If you haven't been, you probably should go!